Friday, November 17, 2006

28,258... 100 Words to Go!

Here it is... fifteen minutes to elven, strict instructions to be in bed... I have one hundred words to write. Five people Iming me. Is this insane or what? :P

I had to go to a bunch of school talks with my dad today... Well, it was my choice to go. :D Anyways, I didn't get much done there cause I had to be introduced a hundred thousand times, but that's ok... though my battery died then. Fortunately I had brought my notebook! So on the way to the next school, I managed to write 800 more words! So now I need to hurry and finish (12min) then go to bed... I want to make cookies tomorrow. :P

I managed to go without eating until dinner today, and I didn't even get hungry until then! o.o Some people are worried about me becoming anorexic... but I don't think I am. I look healthy and feel healthy, just haven't been eating the past couple of days. :D

*scurries back off to writing*

EDIT: Done! With three minutes to spare, final count for the day? 28,359!

1 comment:

MangyCat said...

You're on a roll with NaNo, Legossi! Keep it up! But seriously, what fun is there in writing if you can't eat everything that hovers by your keyboard for more than 30 seconds?