Monday, November 20, 2006

I talked to Linny and MM and Arwen this morning before school. :D 
Then I talked to Telpe a wee bit, lol, and then I did some school... Spanish... Economics.. o.O I didn't practice viola yes! :O Oops *whistles* oh well.  I managed to get my NaNo word count done early, too! Thanks to many WWs with Linny and MM.

I also got to order a computer game today... Yay amazon! ten dollars less than in the store, including shipping. Heh, and I changed the siggie rules on DioM cause they were bugging me to DEATH! Enormous siggies with no meaning. So they should all be gone by Sunday *is happy*.

Tomorrow I won't have much time to write... I have to tutor at an elementary school in the morning and then go to a school with my dad. I don't have to go, but I want to. And so we have four talks to go to tomorrow. I might get to write some during that, I'll be bringing my notebook.

Oh, and I got a bracelet in the mail today! From AG! :D It's very pretty ^^ clear, white, and red beads. With silver letter thingies that say 'Leggy' ^^ *hugs AG* ish muy pretty ^^ I've been wearing it all day! :D

Now I gotta go to bed... We get hot chocolate tomorrow! yay! *falls off chair*


Anonymous said...

Oo, purty. Nice bracelet AG!!

Heh, heh... letter. Right. I set it in my mom's stuff so that we could send it last... er, last Friday, but... she forgot about it. Its in her stuff, and I'll get it sent as soon as possible. :D

Hot Chocolate!!

Can I come over? =D

Anonymous said...

*cough* And at least your on schedule with your NaNo. I... *cough* I'm at 30,121. =]