Thursday, November 16, 2006

Skipping a Day Won't Hurt... Will It?

So I procrastinated a little too much today. :P I haven't gotten anymore than 45 words done and I have to go to a literacy group... thingy that my dad is main speaker at. I had to do school and all today... So that kind of hindered my writing.. Heh... I didn't eat anything at all yesterday and drank nothing but a glass of tea and orange juice... My mom got upset with me, but I ate a bowl of cereal this morning and so she wasn't as upset... but it made me sick, bleah...

I gotta go to the group thingy now... I'm taking my laptop in hopes that I'll be able to write some.


Anonymous said... gotta eat girl!! but cereal is icky..stay away from the cereal!

Anonymous said...

Not Raisin Bran- Raisin Bran is good.

But why are we talking about cereal? =P