Friday, October 26, 2007

New Plot

So I decided not to go with that plot. Why?

I like it and all and I think it'll be great and fun to write, but there's this adopt a plot thing going on on CP and so I decided to adopt one that I really like.

"A man (or woman) and his cat are abducted by aliens, but the aliens think the cat is the more intelligent species and only communicates through the feline. Have the MC be either an alien, the man or the cat!

End with them getting back to earth, but it's up to you whether they go back "home" or find a new home in the galaxy. "

The Mc will be the cat, it'll be in first person (into the mind of a cat we go!), and his human will be a history professor named Gordan.

Bet you can't guess the cat's name.

two names the first name is the first name of one explorer the other name is the last name of another explorer. F C are his initials


Mercy Burklin said...

Wow, writing from a cat's perspective should be very interesting. I am not brave enough to try it!
Last minute plot changes are always lots of fun. =D
Good luck!

Yukioh said...

Wow, this will be interesting. Keep us posted, Legossi!